Esquizofrenia Hoy.
Los Libros mas actuales en el tratamiento de la Esquizofrenia para descarga gratuita de los enfermos, los familiares y el personal medico.

The Gray Matter Series. (10 books on the Brain & its major functions

Un paquete de 10 libros acerca de la estructura y funciones del cerebro humano y el sistema nervioso. Descarga gratuita.Free download.

Emotion and Stress (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 079109491X | 2007-04-30 | PDF | 128 pages | 6 Mb

Emotion is a universal language understood by all cultures. It is an integral part of our spoken and written language, our art, and our music. Various emotions enable us to respond quickly and appropriately to our environment. And stress, in turn, is created when environmental factors pose a potential threat to our safety. Our fast-paced world requires that we cope with stress in a manner that will harness its energy and minimize its potential to produce disease or distress. This book explains how negative emotions are often generated by stressful situations, and explores how both emotions and stress can have an impact on our health and well

Biofeedback (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791094367 | 2007-05-30 | PDF | 128 pages | 3 Mb

The human mind is a learning machine. We are constantly taking in new information, processing that information, and making decisions based on what we learn. Biofeedback is a process that teaches the mind so that it can learn to control the body. This book is a comprehensive look into this holistic type of learning; it explores how moods, muscles, nerves, and brain waves can be controlled by the mind through biofeedback treatment. "Biofeedback" also examines the discussions surrounding this topic. Though a lot of research has gone into exploring the mechanisms of biofeedback, science cannot explain exactly how the mind learns, so it cannot explain exactly how biofeedback works, either. And for this reason, biofeedback has long been questioned by traditional medicine.

Brain Facts (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791089568 | 2007-01-16 | PDF | 112 pages | 3 Mb

This offering from the Gray Matter series homes in on a number of topics related to the brain and how it functions. Topics presented in the 10 chapters include neurons, the senses, the autonomic nervous system, sleep, and language. Vera-Portocarrero cannot be accused of talking down to his audience. The terminology is more technical than in most books written for young people, and many high-school students will find themselves challenged by the difficult reading level and the dry writing style.

Cells of the Nervous System (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791085120 | 2005-09 | PDF | 147 pages | 3 Mb

Learn the difference between the two main types of cells in the nervous system: neurons and glial cells.

Sleep And Dreaming (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791086399 | 2005-09 | PDF | 159 pages | 3 Mb

The first title covers normal processes, such as REM sleep, as well as developmental disorders and other abnormalities, such as snoring, sleepwalking, and night terrors. Different perspectives about the meaning of dreams are also included, ranging from the theories of Freud and Jung to current research. Color photos, numerous sidebars, and a variety of quotations from history and literature are included. Spinal Cord is one of the few sources on this important topic for this audience. Subjects such as the role of the central nervous system and the functioning of spinal reflexes are discussed, along with abnormalities like pain and paralysis.

Sensation And Perception (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791089584 | 2007-06-30 | PDF | 128 pages | 3 Mb

Everything that we experience depends on sensing and perceiving. Specialized receptors for the five senses - hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching - capture information from chemical compounds, compressed air, electromagnetic waves, mechanical sensations, and more. From that information, our brain creates an impression of the world around us. "Sensation and Perception" focuses on how these systems work, from the mechanics of individual cells to the interactions of thousands of cells in the brain. This book also delves into how our sensory capabilities change with age or damage. Readers of this new title from the acclaimed "Gray Matter" series will learn to understand how sensation and perception prove crucial to interpreting our surroundings, enjoying them, and even surviving in them.

Learning And Memory (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791086380 | 2005-09 | PDF | 136 pages | 3 Mb

Grade 8 Up-These titles are excellent examples of extremely complex, abstract scientific topics made accessible to young readers. The first volume provides fascinating insights into various processes involved in how we learn different things in different ways. Particularly enlightening is the section differentiating explicit memory (learning facts) and implicit memory (learning processes). Midbrain stars the least flashy, less-well-researched part of the brain responsible for various movements (including Parkinson's problems), vision, hearing, sensuality, defense, and complex eye movements. The third volume traces the history of and controversies about manipulating consciousness.

Pain (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791089517 | 2007-01 | PDF | 128 pages | 5 Mb

Our bodies receive information about our internal state and the external environment through our sensory system. Touch, thermal, and pain stimuli, for example, are processed by this complex system. Specialized receptors detect stimuli and convert information into a neural code interpreted as sensation. The interpretation can be affected by the nervous system, as well as by surgery, medication, and the power of the mind. Pain explores the workings of the somatosensory and pain systems, how disorders can affect the way we process information, and how pain can be treated.

The Hindbrain (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791085104 | 2005-09 | PDF | 85 pages | 2 Mb

Learn about the section of the brain that oversees and regulates the function of the nervous system as a whole.

Speech And Language (Gray Matter)
Chelsea House Publications | ISBN: 0791089525 | 2006-12-30 | PDF | 112 pages | 3 Mb

This "Gray Matter" guide explores the ways we learn to speak and use language. The author reveals how and why children are able to develop language skills quickly, pinpoints the regions of the brain involved in coordinating speech and language, and describes various disorders that can disrupt language development. "Speech and Language" covers sign language and second languages, in addition to spoken language.

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La Esquizofrenia es una enfermedad que sufren el 3 % de los habitantes del planeta.Para contribuir a combatirla se requiere la participación de los enfermos y de sus familiares evitando el aislamiento y la desinformación mediante redes solidarias de apoyo y ayuda mutua.
Esquizofrenia Hoy es un espacio para difundir de modo libre y gratuito los resultados de la investigación científica que se producen en todo el globo en torno a la enfermedad. Aquí estaremos compartiendo los libros, anuarios, diccionarios, atlas y manuales de publicación mas reciente, en formatos digitales (PDF, Word, DJvu, HTML), de fácil consulta.
Dado que la mayor parte de la investigación y los reportes científicos se publican en idioma Ingles, y que no podemos esperar --por años-- a que sean traducidos al Castellano, estaremos publicando los libros, ponencias y revistas en su idioma original, atendiendo al criterio de compartir la información mas fresca y oportuna que nos sea posible, por lo que sugerimos a quienes no dominan el Ingles, buscar un pariente o amigo que nos ayude a traducir.
En todos los casos recomendamos que los enfermos o sus familiares lleven estos materiales a los médicos que nos atienden, a las bibliotecas de los hospitales y clínicas Psiquiátricas y, en general a todo aquel que pueda ayudar a combatir la enfermedad informándose mejor.
Consideramos la difusión de estos libros y materiales un servicio social ala comunidad, por lo que invitamos a diseminarlos sin limitacion alguna.

