Esquizofrenia Hoy.
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Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology

Contemporary Directions in Psychopathology: Scientific Foundations of the DSM-V and ICD-1 1, EDS: Theodore Millon PhD DSc, Robert F. Krueger PhD, Erik Simonsen MD
The Guilford Press | 2010 | ISBN: 160623532X | 622 pages | PDF | 4 MB

Un volumen que analiza y discute los mecanismos y sistemas usados para clasificar los desordenes mentales. Escrito y comentado por los expertos más destacados del ámbito internacional, entre los que se cuentan algunos directamente involucrados en la definición y desarrollo del DSM-V y el ICD-11 que son los documentos del estándar internacional para la clasificación de enfermedades mentales y desordenes de la personalidad.

This forward-thinking volume grapples with critical questions surrounding the mechanisms underlying mental disorders and the systems used for classifying them. Edited and written by leading international authorities, many of whom are actively involved with the development of DSM-V and ICD-11, the book integrates biological and psychosocial perspectives. It provides balanced analyses of such issues as the role of social context and culture in psychopathology and the pros and cons of categorical versus dimensional approaches to diagnosis. Cutting-edge diagnostic instruments and research methods are reviewed. Throughout, contributors highlight the implications of current theoretical and empirical advances for understanding real-world clinical problems and developing more effective treatments.


Part I. Historical and Cultural Perspectives

Chapter 1. A Précis of Psychopathological History 3

Theodore Millon and Erik Simonsen

Chapter 2. Themes in the Evolution of the 20th-Century DSM s 53

Roger K. Blashfield, Elizabeth Flanagan, and Kristin Raley

Chapter 3. On the Wisdom of Considering Culture and Context

in Psychopathology 72

Joseph P. Gone and Laurence J. Kirmayer

Chapter 4. Cultural Issues in the Coordination of DSM -V and ICD-11 97

Renato D. Alarcón

Chapter 5. A Sociocultural Conception of the Borderline

Personality Disorder Epidemic 111

Theodore Millon

Part II. Conceptual Issues in Classification

Chapter 6. Philosophical Issues in the Classification of Psychopathology 127

Peter Zachar and Kenneth S. Kendler

Chapter 7. Classification Considerations in Psychopathology and Personology 149

Chapter 8. Diagnostic Taxa as Open Concepts: Metatheoretical

and Statistical Questions about Reliability and Construct Validity

in the Grand Strategy of Nosological Revision 174

Paul E. Meehl

Chapter 9. Contemplations on Meehl (1986): The Territory, Paul’s Map,

and Our Progress in Psychopathology Classification

(or, the Challenge of Keeping Up with a Beacon 30 Years

Ahead of the Field) 187

Mark F. Lenzenweger

Chapter 10. Issues of Construct Validity in Psychological Diagnoses 205

Gregory T. Smith and Jessica Combs

Chapter 11. The Meaning of Comorbidity among Common Mental Disorders 223

Nicholas R. Eaton, Susan C. South, and Robert F. Krueger

Chapter 12. The Connections between Personality and Psychopathology 242

Susan C. South, Nicholas R. Eaton, and Robert F. Krueger

Chapter 13. Is It True That Mental Disorders Are So Common,

and So Commonly Co-Occur? 263

Mario Maj

Chapter 14. Taking Disorder Seriously: A Critique of Psychiatric Criteria

For Mental Disorders from the Harmful- function Perspective 275

Jerome C. Wakefield

Part III. Methodological App roaches to Categories, Dimensions,

And Prototypes

Chapter 15. On the Substantive Grounding and Clinical Utility of Categories

versus Dimensions 303

William M. Grove and Scott I. Vrieze

Chapter 16. A Short History of a Psychiatric Diagnostic Category

That Turned Out to Be a Disease 324

Roger K. Blashfield and Jared Keeley

Chapter 17. Concepts and Methods for Researching Categories

And Dimensions in Psychiatric Diagnosis 337

Helena Chmura Kraemer

Chapter 18. The Integration of Categorical and Dimensional Approaches

To Psychopathology 350

Erik Simonsen

Chapter 19. Dimensionalizing Existing Personality Disorder Categories 362

Andrew E. Skodol

Chapter 20. An Empirically Based Prototype Diagnostic System

for DSM -V and ICD-11 374

Kile M. Ortigo, Bekh Bradley, and Drew Westen

Chapter 21. The Millon Personality Spectrometer: A Tool for Personality

Spectrum Analyses, Diagnoses, and Treatments 391

Theodore Millon, Seth Grossman, and Robert Tringone

Part IV. Innovative Theoretical and Empi rical Proposals

Chapter 22. Neuroscientific Foundations of Psychopathology 419

Christopher J. Patrick and Edward M. Bernat

Chapter 23. Using Evolutionary Principles for Deducing Normal

and Abnormal Personality Patterns 453

Theodore Millon

Chapter 24. Biopsychosocial Models and Psychiatric Diagnosis 473

Joel Paris

Chapter 25. Reactivating the Psychodynamic Approach to the Classification

Of Psychopathology 483

Sidney J. Blatt and Patrick Luyten

Chapter 26. A Life Course Approach to Psychoses:

Outcome and Cultural Variation 515

Rina Dutta and Robin M. Murray

Chapter 27. The Interpersonal Nexus of Personality and Psychopathology 523

Aaron L. Pincus, Mark R. Lukowitsky, and Aidan G. C. Wright

Chapter 28. Reconceptualizing Autism Spectrum Disorders as Autism- S pecific

Learning Disabilities and Styles 553

Bryna Siegel

Chapter 29. Describing Relationship Patterns in DSM -V: A Preliminary Proposal 565

Marianne Z. Wamboldt, Steven R. H. Beach, Nadine Kaslow,

Richard Heyman, Michael First, and David Reiss

Chapter 30. On the Diversity of the Borderline Syndromes 577

Michael H. Stone

Author Index 595

Subject Index 607

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La Esquizofrenia es una enfermedad que sufren el 3 % de los habitantes del planeta.Para contribuir a combatirla se requiere la participación de los enfermos y de sus familiares evitando el aislamiento y la desinformación mediante redes solidarias de apoyo y ayuda mutua.
Esquizofrenia Hoy es un espacio para difundir de modo libre y gratuito los resultados de la investigación científica que se producen en todo el globo en torno a la enfermedad. Aquí estaremos compartiendo los libros, anuarios, diccionarios, atlas y manuales de publicación mas reciente, en formatos digitales (PDF, Word, DJvu, HTML), de fácil consulta.
Dado que la mayor parte de la investigación y los reportes científicos se publican en idioma Ingles, y que no podemos esperar --por años-- a que sean traducidos al Castellano, estaremos publicando los libros, ponencias y revistas en su idioma original, atendiendo al criterio de compartir la información mas fresca y oportuna que nos sea posible, por lo que sugerimos a quienes no dominan el Ingles, buscar un pariente o amigo que nos ayude a traducir.
En todos los casos recomendamos que los enfermos o sus familiares lleven estos materiales a los médicos que nos atienden, a las bibliotecas de los hospitales y clínicas Psiquiátricas y, en general a todo aquel que pueda ayudar a combatir la enfermedad informándose mejor.
Consideramos la difusión de estos libros y materiales un servicio social ala comunidad, por lo que invitamos a diseminarlos sin limitacion alguna.

